Hidden Gems
May was National Preservation Month. The theme this year was "Discover America's Hidden Gems." What places would be on your list of "hidden gems" for Manhattan and Riley County (places that may not be hidden exactly, but places that go unnoticed)? Here are a few that would be on our list and places that have been submitted by visitors to our web site.
Community House
Rocky Ford School
Sunset Cemetery
Goodnow Park Cabin
Landmark Water Tower, near the intersection of Sunset Ave. and Evergreen
Prehistoric archaeological sites whose locations need to be hidden to protect them
Old farmhouses in the county
Stone fences and walls
Works Progress Administration projects (Griffith Field, Goodnow Park Cabin, airport hanger, former City & Douglass pools, Sunset Zoo -- are there more? Tell us!)
Holtz Hall on the KSU campus
The Lone Star House (now razed, see pg. 7 of linked newsletter)
204 S. Manhattan Avenue, and other compact, older stone homes
Community House
Rocky Ford School
Sunset Cemetery
Goodnow Park Cabin
Landmark Water Tower, near the intersection of Sunset Ave. and Evergreen
Prehistoric archaeological sites whose locations need to be hidden to protect them
Old farmhouses in the county
Stone fences and walls
Works Progress Administration projects (Griffith Field, Goodnow Park Cabin, airport hanger, former City & Douglass pools, Sunset Zoo -- are there more? Tell us!)
Holtz Hall on the KSU campus
The Lone Star House (now razed, see pg. 7 of linked newsletter)
204 S. Manhattan Avenue, and other compact, older stone homes