Charleston Principles
1. Identify historic places, both architectural and natural, that give the community its special character and that can aid its future well-being.
2. Adopt the preservation of historic places as a goal of planning for land use, economic development, housing for all income levels, and transportation.
3. Create ogranizational, regulatory, and incentive mechanisms to facilitate preservation, and provide the leadership to make them work.
4. Develop revitalization strategies that capitalize on the existing value of historic residential and commercial neighborhoods and properties, and provide well-designed affordable housing without displacing existing residents.
5. Ensure that policies and decisions on community growth and development respect a community's heritage and enhance overall livability.
6. Demand excellence in design for new construction and in the stewardship of historic properties and places.
7. Use a community's heritage to educate citizens of all ages and to build civic pride.
8. Recognize the cultural diversity of communities and empower a diverse constituency to acknowledge, identify, and preserve America's cultural and physical resources.
2. Adopt the preservation of historic places as a goal of planning for land use, economic development, housing for all income levels, and transportation.
3. Create ogranizational, regulatory, and incentive mechanisms to facilitate preservation, and provide the leadership to make them work.
4. Develop revitalization strategies that capitalize on the existing value of historic residential and commercial neighborhoods and properties, and provide well-designed affordable housing without displacing existing residents.
5. Ensure that policies and decisions on community growth and development respect a community's heritage and enhance overall livability.
6. Demand excellence in design for new construction and in the stewardship of historic properties and places.
7. Use a community's heritage to educate citizens of all ages and to build civic pride.
8. Recognize the cultural diversity of communities and empower a diverse constituency to acknowledge, identify, and preserve America's cultural and physical resources.